Tuesday, 3 January 2017

lose weight fat burning switch on

today article we are going to talk about a little known hormone called "Glucagon" a hormone that is hardly heard of Glucagon is a peptide hormone and it's produce by alpha cells of the pancreas, what is alpha cell an alpha cell is a type of cell in the pancreas,which make and release a hormone called glucagon, the body sends a signal to the alpha cells to make glucagon,. so when blood glucose falls too low. then glucagon reaches the liver where it tells it to release glucose into the blood for energy. alpha cells make glucagon, the hormone that raises blood sugar during fasting.Alpha cells are also preserved in type one diabetes.this is a least in part due to the immune response to beta cell.inside the pancreas beta cells make the hormone what we call insulin. beta cells release insulin to help the body use or store the glucose it gets from food we eat. the primary function of a beta cell is to store and release insulin.so how glucagon works. Glucagon works along with the hormone insulin to control blood sugar levels and keep them within different levels. Glucagon is release to stop blood sugar from dropping too low,  while on the other hand insulin is release to stop blood sugar from rising too high.

Glycogen & Glucagon

glucagon and glycogen are important circulating compound in our body. glycogen is a form of carbohydrate, while glucagon is a hormone. besides being a storage bin. glycogen is a secondary source of energy in the body.when our body needs fuel for energy glycogen is broken down into glucose to use as a form of energy to make it simple "Glycogen" is a form of sugar. while "Glucagon" is a hormone. glycogen is stored and synthesized in the liver. while glucagon is produced in the pancreas.glucagon does the opposite of insulin as we mention. this hormone releases fat from your fat cells if your insulin is off balance Glucagon will find it hard to burn fat
lack of food can be very crucial to the body a lot of over weight people starve them self, thinking that if they stop eat they will lose weight, sorry to say. it works the opposite. you see Glucagon is crucial to the body's response to lack of food, it encourages the use of stored fat for energy if their is limited supply of glucose.fat burning-and losing weight won't take place unless the fat burning switch is turn on. see next page


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